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4 Self Defense Tips for Women That Really Work!

We hear it all the time from people who have been attacked, "I never thought it would happen to me".

However, the harsh reality is that women can easily become victims of rapes, muggings and violent assaults! It is sad but true! However, it is also very true that by taking a few simple steps, any person can dramatically reduce the risks that they may become a victim of a serious assault, home invasion, or any type of attack.

Now many tips and strategies for self-defense that people dish out are poor, often just designed to get a few clicks, but these strategies we are going to share here are the real deal! Solid techniques, tips, and suggestions that can make a difference.

1. Answer the door to Strangers this Way!
First, get a spy hole in the door if you can. If they are covering it up then your suspicions are raised, but if not still do this:

First, go to your phone and pick it up, press a number of a friend, family member, or even 911. But don't dial it!

Then go to the window and look out, make it clear that you can see the person and look at him, what he is wearing and his appearance. Make sure you have the phone to your ear to make them think you are already on the phone. Then go to the door, with the catch on (get one if you don't have one) and then loudly say so they can hear through the door, "Hold on there's someone at the door".

2. Install House Alarms and CCTV Cameras To Your Property

Sounds really obvious, but this is called 'target hardening'. The theory behind it is that criminals look for the "easy" targets and this is very true. No one likes a hard day at work and criminals (I hate calling what they do work, but they see it as that) are no different.

You need to make sure that criminals look at your property and think "I'll stay away from that one" and to do this you need to make sure your doors and windows are of solid design and structure. However get a house alarm and CCTV camera installation done. These days they are very low cost, but even if you can't afford it, getting "dummy" boxes and cameras up can be very effective at dissuading criminals. Dummy boxes are empty boxes or shells of cameras and alarms that look just like the real thing. Trust me this one works.

3.Don't Wear Ear Phones when Running or Walking
I get it, I really do. People love listening to music on their iPods and phones. I do too, but there are times and places for everything. When out jogging or just walking home please don't wear your earphones and listen to podcasts, music, or anything else. Because you begin focusing on the sounds and not on what is going on around you.

This really is as simple as it gets!

4.Vary Your Routes Home if Walking

If you walk home then vary your route every now and again. It isn't about trying to take longer to get home, but this is all about trying to change your route to avoid people knowing your schedule and how you get home. Just make sure you pick a safe route, not one up some dark road.

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